If you have had previous microblading done elsewhere, please contact us for a consultation before booking to confirm the best service for you.
Deposit is non-refundable, and included in the total price listed.
Prices listed are before tax.
Please read the Prep & Aftercare below before booking.
Prices subject to change without further notice; deposit secures current price.
Contact with any questions.
The Complete
For Permanent Makeup
The brow and area around the brows must be strong, healthy, and non-irritated.
For health and safety reasons, you may NOT have microblading done if you:
are under the age of 18
get Keloid scars
are pregnant or breastfeeding
have been on Accutane within 1 year
have irritation of the skin of any kind (blemishes, pimples, rash, psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, sunburn on the area of procedure)
are on Retin-A or AHA's (Alpha hydroxy acids) - (be off 14 days before appointment, and avoid 30 days after procedure)
are diabetic (consult your doctor, doctor's note is required if approved)
have HIV, Hepatitis or any other viral infections and/or diseases
are undergoing chemotherapy (consult your doctor, doctor's note is required if approved)
have epilepsy
have a pacemaker or major heart problems
have had an Organ transplant
don’t heal well and develop infections easily
have dark, blurry, or old previous tattoo on your brows (must be removed first - more info below)
If you are anemic/have low iron levels, you may experience lighter results. Ensure your iron levels are being supplemented and managed to optimize your results.
Skin care: If you have never had a regular skincare routine, your microblading may not heal well. Dead skin buildup and clogged pores should be cleansed and exfoliated regularly for a minimum of 2 months prior to your microblading appointment to achieve healthy state of skin, otherwise you may experience light or undesirable results.
If you have had previous microblading or brow tattoo from another artist - removal is usually required first. In some cases if your previous brows are nearly faded completely, they can be accommodated, but you must email us for a consultation first to be approved.
If you have had laser removal of previous work, the treated area may now have more scar tissue and this can affect the outcome of the result; more treatments may be necessary to have the skin take the fresh ink.
You will be laying on your back for an extended period of time. If you have chronic back pain, or get lightheaded easily, please let us know prior to your appointment.
You should also be comfortable turning your head side to side while laying down.
If you are able to have the microblading procedure, please review the following to make sure you are properly prepared for your appointment:
Do not tweeze/pick/wax/thread on your brows 1 week before the procedure
Do not tan 2 weeks prior, as this will affect the outcome of the healed colour
Do not drink caffeine less than 12 hours before
Do not drink alcohol less than 24 hours before
Do not take Advil, Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen (unless
medically necessary) 48-72 hours prior to your procedure, as this thins the blood
Extra strength Tylenol can be taken if you have low pain tolerance
Botox, electrolysis, facials, and microneedling procedures should be done 1 month before or 2 weeks after the procedure
Do not exercise the day of procedure, as this will open up the pores
Please note that you will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle, it's recommended to avoid booking your appointment during this time
Do not schedule your brow appointment within 14 days of any COVID-19 vaccination
Immediately following your procedure, the microbladed area will appear to be darker, bolder in color, and more sharply defined. Over the next 2 days it will appear even darker and thicker as scabs begin to form. You must let the scabs naturally flake off bit by bit. It will take 10 to 14 days for flaking to be over, so keep this in mind when choosing a date for booking
The area MUST be kept clean, dry, and sweat-free for at least 10 days after
Do not apply skincare, makeup, or product to your brows for minimum 10 days
Be prepared to lay still for an extended period of time. Wear comfy, dark clothing, and feel free to bring ear buds to listen to audio during the procedure.
Ensure you are fed and hydrated, as the session is a few hours long. Water can be provided at your appointment, and there are multiple options for food and snacks for purchase in the area. You can bring a snack to your appointment if you wish (remember - no coffee beforehand).
If you like wearing your brow makeup a specific way, please wear it into your appointment.
If you have pictures of your desired brows or other brow inspo, have them ready at your appointment.
If you don't know what you want, your artist will give you a personal brow recommendation
Your appointment time includes time to fill out intake forms, so please arrive at your scheduled appointment time.
The intake forms are also available online and can be filled out beforehand if you want to cut down on your appointment time. Email the completed forms to
Your brows will change in appearance over the next 6 weeks. Although every person may respond differently to microblading or shading, the following instructions are applicable to everyone.
Day 1: Your brows will look dark and defined. You may have some redness in the area.
Day 2-5: Your brows will become darker as scabs form.
Day 5-14: Your brows will start to flake as the scabs fall off. Small pieces of colour will come off in the dry skin, this is completely normal.
At 2-4 weeks: Your brows may go through a "ghosting" phase where they nearly disappear or become very light.
At 4-6 weeks: Your brows will become slightly darker and defined again as the skin completely finishes healing and the ink settles.
By week 6: Your brows may be anywhere from 20-50% lighter than Day 1.
Between 6-8 weeks: After your first appointment, you should book a Perfection Session touch-up. The touch-up is a crucial final step in defining, adding depth, and perfecting the appearance of your new brows.
Remember to wash your hands thoroughly, every time, before touching your new brows.
Follow the instructions below as closely as possible to optimize your healed results and keep the skin healthy as it heals.
Immediately after appointment: Blot your brows with a cotton pad every ten minutes for the next hour. This will absorb and remove any serous fluid that seeps out (which is normal - this signals the start of the brows healing).
After appointment, before bed: Clean the brows gently on the surface with a lightly wet cotton swab. Then pat dry well with a clean tissue or towel. It is normal to feel mild soreness on the first day or two.
Days 1-10: Clean the brows twice a day using the cotton swab method from Step #2. Be sure to pat the brows dry after. Keep the brows clean to prevent infection. Keep the brows as dry as possible, and refer to the Aftercare Do's and Don'ts listed below.
Days 10-14: Some brows finish flaking by Day 10, but for others it takes longer. If your brows are still very flaky at day 10, then extend Step #3 to Day 14.
Keep the brows out of direct sunlight and UV. Wear a hat for the first 10 days, and apply a mineral based sunscreen once healed.
Use a gentle touch when cleaning, especially when the brows start flaking.
Wear a shower shield while showering to easily keep the brows dry.
Ointment is not included, as most people respond best to a dry heal. However, if your brows feel extra tight, to the point of itching, you may apply a rice-sized dab of ointment to each brow daily, massaging it in gently and thoroughly.
Ointment options include: Aquaphor (best choice), organic aloe vera gel (bottled), After Inked, shea butter, coconut or grapeseed oil, unscented moisturizer. Use only one at a time, and only if needed.
Brows begin to flake and scab around day 5-7. Do not pick or pull the scabs - let them fall off on their own!
No makeup, sunscreen, or skincare on your brows for the first 10 days
Avoid long, hot, steamy showers for 10 days
No swimming pools, hot tubs, jacuzzis, lakes, or UV exposure for first 2 weeks
No threading, waxing, and brow hair removal for 2 weeks
Do not use Neosporin/Polysporin on your brows
No activities that cause sweating or cardio for the first 10 days, as this can cause the
strokes to heal blurry and fine detail is lost
Try not to sleep on your face for the first 10 days. Sleeping on your back is best
No facials, massages, and chemical treatments for 4 weeks
Avoid bleaching, tinting, or dyeing your brows for 4 weeks
Each person's skin may respond differently to this service. The time it takes for your brows to heal, the number of sessions you may need, and colour retention are all affected mainly by the condition of your skin, health and metabolism, and whether you adhere to your aftercare instructions.
The visible top layer of your skin will heal in 2 weeks; a microblading touch-up is highly recommended 6-8 weeks after the initial procedure, after the full healing process is complete.
The touch-up appointment is crucial, as the first appointment will build the shape and symmetry of your new brows, and the touch-up will allow the artist to perfect your brows and add density.
Depending on your brow goals, health of skin, and skin type, additional touchups may be needed to achieve your desired shape or colour.
Microblading heals best on healthy, smooth skin and dry to normal skin types. The aftercare routine provided will mimic consistently dry skin in order to optimize the healing process.
Those with healthy skin may see results that last 1-5 years, or even longer.
Your microbladed brows may not last as long if you have very oily or porous skin, sensitive or reactive skin, acne-prone skin, thick/coarse brow hair, improper skincare, or a skin condition such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, or melasma. Smoking, drinking, and other substances may also cause microblading to fade very quickly.
For any additional questions or concerns, please contact Ashley